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Reiki sessions are typically an hour in length.  I offer a discounted rate for first time clients of $70.  Subsequent sessions are $80.

During reiki, the client lies fully clothed on a treatment table.  There is minimal to no touching involved. I help to move energy throughout the client's body, removing blocked energy, resulting in a sense of wellness, balance, and deep relaxation.

It is my honour to offer reiki to adults, children, and animals.  Treatments can be done in person or over distances.


I believe in allowing wellness in our bodies, minds, and spirits.  What we take into our souls is just as important as the physical food we eat.  


Current workshops available include Get Happy, Whole foods, and What's the deal with sugar? 


Workshops are offered periodically to the general public, at various locations.  I also customize workshops for groups upon request.  Prices vary per workshop/customization.  

Hosted Meditation


I have been meditating regularly for over 5 years and it has been such a gift to me in my life - bringing clarity and peace that lasts far beyond the time of meditation. The advantages of a regular meditation practice are multiple and profound.

Our sessions begin with a deep breathing exercise, and move into guided meditation, ending with quiet time and (if desired) sharing our experience with the group in a safe space.  Spaces are limited so pre-booking is required. $20 per session.


Holistic Wellness Coaching

Do you get overwhelmed and frustrated by all the "shoulds" that are thrown at you regarding your health & wellness?  You should eat more veggies, you should eat less meat, you should cut back on sugar, you should eat low-fat, you should eat more fat, you should do weight based training, you should do cardio training, you should eat dairy, you shouldn't eat dairy - you should you should you should.......!  It can get overwhelming.


As a health coach, I work one on one with you to simplify the confusion -to walk you through the hows of your individual health & wellness. I create customized programs, to help you identify your health and wellness goals, and coach you to make lifestyle changes that are easy, enjoyable, and sustainable for your busy life.

Purium for Life


When you get all-natural superfoods into your body on a regular basis, everything changes.  You may experience improved energy, sleep, digestion, mental clarity and so much more.
Purium provides organic products including cleanses, supplements, and even skin care products that are made from real, whole, living food.  Infuse your body with high quality whole foods.



I am honoured to offer small group retreats to allow participants to really dive deep into their wellness practices.

Our retreat is held over a weekend in beautiful surroundings.  The weekend consists of activities that feed our bodies, minds and souls, including wellness workshops, hiking, meditation groups, yoga breaks, whole foods group meal preparation, lots of local, fresh, and delicious food, and quiet time in which to reflect and relax.


Contact me for more information on upcoming retreats.


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